Monday, April 20, 2009

What do you do with two little boys when there is 3 feet of snow on the ground and they are confined to the house for 3 days straight? Jordan is easy give him a computer game, book, or video game and he's good to go. He's found an online wizard game that is sort of a cross between Pokemon and Harry Potter that he will literally play until I make him stop.

Austin not so easy. We baked a cake, watched movies, read books, played Wii, played XBox, played Connect 4, colored, practiced writing, read scriptures, I even showed him how to do laundry, and still he has time and energy to antagonize everyone. I love Austin dearly but sometimes I wonder if I came home with the right kid. Welcome to my insanity!

This week is teacher appreciation week at the boys school. Someone came up with a cute idea to have the kids cut a giant petal out of construction paper and then write a thank you note on the petal to their teacher. Then they will collect the petals from the kids and put them together to make a giant flower. Austin has a great teacher who we adore and since he is barely writing anyway pretty easy one liner on the petal " Thank you for being a great teacher". Jordan's teacher is a bit difficult and he struggles with her. Took an hour to come up with "Thank you for teaching me this year". I thought my brain would explode. Didn't even try to make extra petals for the specials teachers. Couldn't take it.

Anyhow, just when you think you are at your wits end you meet someone or hear something that puts it all in perspective. Check out my friend Erin's blog at you will die laughing. Brief overview: pulled too hard on the sprayer for the sink ended up with a swimming pool in her kitchen, she's 7 months pregnant and has three boys, and she is in the middle of packing up her house to move. I needed a big laugh today and that was more than I bargained for.

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