Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December so far....

Jordan earned his Wolf rank in Boy Scouts and he was so proud to get it. It’s hard sometimes to understand how Jordan feels about things because he doesn’t always react in a normal way so it was great to see a huge smile on his face and the little boy strut going on as he walked back to his seat!

Perhaps the biggest Christmas Miracle of all is that Jordan actually swam 20 feet by himself. For a kid who is terrified of the water and even more afraid of getting his face wet (yes, showers are fun) that was a huge accomplishment. I still don’t get how he is going to be a Navy Seal and not swim but we’ll see what happens.

When I moved the boys to their new school this year I was really worried about Austin. He was behind last year in Kindergarten but fortunately, he had an amazing teacher, Ms. Derosia, who worked and worked with him last year to get him to where he needed to be. Well all that work paid off. American Academy is a tough school as we have been finding out and Austin has managed to get into the higher ability groups and maintain straight A’s. I knew that little stinker was smarter than he was letting on and it’s great to see him so confident.

Austin also started back in gymnastics and almost has a cartwheel down and has been working on front handsprings. Please pray for my breakables!

The boys were given roles in the Nutcracker at their dance studio Avant-Garde. They’ve never taken ballet before just tap and so I was a little hesitant but thought what the heck it’s a good opportunity. They were party boys and soldiers (right up their alley) and two of their uncles got in on the act and played party parents. It was great to see them up on the stage and really special that they had the opportunity to dance with their uncles. I was really surprised to see them work through the hours and hours of rehearsals and performances at their ages with few complaints.

First off let me say major props to their dance instructors Lance and Amy. They put on a great show and managed to get both boys to do as they were told. That is a miracle in itself. Second, no major catastrophe’s for my kids which is the second miracle. Finally I also have to say what a great studio to be involved in; we were really lucky to have found this studio. Austin was upset and crying because his dad and grandparents didn’t stay and meet with him after the show so he thought they didn’t come. Not only did one of the other mothers pull him over and hug him and talk to him but the other boys were trying to comforting him as well as some of the girls. How wonderful it is in today’s world to know that people genuinely care for your kids.

At any rate it is mid December and I finally got the tree up and let the boys decorate on their own. Pretty good job but hilarious as the ornaments stop where they could not reach. So I guess really the bottom half of the tree is decorated but hey it’s up!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


It's that time of year again when we give thanks for all that we have. In all the craziness of our daily lives it is easy to forget what we really have. Ten things I am thankful for this year:

1. I am thankful for wonderful teachers. Both of my boys have been blessed with teachers that want them to succeed and love their energy and spirit.

2. I am thankful for those who call me friend. I have been so honored to meet wonderful and talented people who get my messed up sense of humor.

3. For the opportunities I have living in a country that allows me to have an opinion and choice of lifestyle.

4. Dreams, oh yes i will win the Powerball one day.

5. Amy and Lance at Avant-Garde School of Dance, Stephanie and Amanda at Safesplash, Brian at Parker School of Gymnastics for putting up with my boys and giving them the opportunity to excel. Not only that but each of you has shown me what great kids I have and how much I have to be proud of.

6. The Boy Scouts for giving me the chance to reconnect with my son

7. peopleofwalmart.com I always feel so much better about myself after viewing those photos.

8. Austin-You always know the right time to kiss up to make me feel better. Plus I am so impressed at how you take command of a room. You light up wherever you go and are so friendly and compassionate.

9. Jordan-I turned around and you grew up, you have always been so wise beyond your years that sometimes I forget you are still a little boy. Your independence and humor amaze me everyday.

10. King Soopers Home Delivery Service. Totally worth the $10 delivery fee.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Monday, April 20, 2009

What do you do with two little boys when there is 3 feet of snow on the ground and they are confined to the house for 3 days straight? Jordan is easy give him a computer game, book, or video game and he's good to go. He's found an online wizard game that is sort of a cross between Pokemon and Harry Potter that he will literally play until I make him stop.

Austin not so easy. We baked a cake, watched movies, read books, played Wii, played XBox, played Connect 4, colored, practiced writing, read scriptures, I even showed him how to do laundry, and still he has time and energy to antagonize everyone. I love Austin dearly but sometimes I wonder if I came home with the right kid. Welcome to my insanity!

This week is teacher appreciation week at the boys school. Someone came up with a cute idea to have the kids cut a giant petal out of construction paper and then write a thank you note on the petal to their teacher. Then they will collect the petals from the kids and put them together to make a giant flower. Austin has a great teacher who we adore and since he is barely writing anyway pretty easy one liner on the petal " Thank you for being a great teacher". Jordan's teacher is a bit difficult and he struggles with her. Took an hour to come up with "Thank you for teaching me this year". I thought my brain would explode. Didn't even try to make extra petals for the specials teachers. Couldn't take it.

Anyhow, just when you think you are at your wits end you meet someone or hear something that puts it all in perspective. Check out my friend Erin's blog at http://www.simplysimmons.com/ you will die laughing. Brief overview: pulled too hard on the sprayer for the sink ended up with a swimming pool in her kitchen, she's 7 months pregnant and has three boys, and she is in the middle of packing up her house to move. I needed a big laugh today and that was more than I bargained for.